2011年3月12日 星期六

小喇叭,大動作 // 'Small Trumpet, Big Movement'

《小喇叭,大動作 //  Small Trumpet, Big Movement 》

西九文化區以大為要,重國際,輕本土,帶動的可能只是地產項目及旅遊消費,跟真正在西九生活及工作的人亳無關係,更湮沒了小區的需要及破壞生活空間。丸仔及俞若玫嘗試以土炮方式把地區願望以舞動的方式再現。俞若玫將以小喇叭讀出過去兩星期收集得來的街坊心願: 「如果你有放大的能力,你會放大什麼?」丸仔在壓縮的封閉空間即時以身體舞動回應,正是小區自強的寫照,顯出變化而柔軟的生存力度。
The West Kowloon Cultural District aims big and overlooks the small, promoting a real estate project and tourism consumption but not related to the everyday life within the district. In this performance, Cally Yu will read out the wishes that she... collected from the neighbours in the last 2 weeks what to amplify and Yuenjie will respond with his body in the enclosed space. The action is a reflection of the community's striving and the people's flexible and tender living force.

俞若玫 Cally Yu

俞若玫 半職媒體導師,半職寫作人,全心小說創作,不停寫專欄,做訪問,終日思考文字的開放性及跟社會對話的可能。
Cally Yu - a part-time lecturer of media studies, part-time social writer and a devoted novel writer. She keeps writing columns, doing interviews and exploring the openness and dialectic links between text and the society.

Yuenjie 丸仔

丸仔 藝術獨行俠。「有太多理由令他不能站在今天的中心。他不靚仔,他胖;他經常流汗,皮膚黝黑,牙齒不潔白整齊。他喜歡詩,做行為藝術。他三十幾歲,餐搵餐食。談自己的藝術自己的私事,總像當年邊跳舞邊戲謔自己的豬腩肉一樣,揭開肚皮,任睇唔嬲;堂皇語言沒得出賣,藝術家的光環汗漬斑斑。」--馮程程
Yuenjie - a performance artist based in Hong Kong and also a contact improvisation and environmental improvisation dancer. He has since 1999 started his solo performance or the so-called performance art and live art. He named his body of work as 'MARULIVEART' which concerns about love, human being, social issues, environment and so on.

