2011年3月12日 星期六

無視不在 // Seeing is Existing

無視不在 // Seeing is Existing

二零一零年三月二十八日至四月二十三日,承蒙香港藝術發展局的資助,魂游在美國佛蒙特工作室中心,與其他五十位來自美國本土及世界各地的藝術家及作家,一起參加了盛大的駐留計畫,在乍暖還寒的四星期裏集體吃喝玩樂少不了,在 Ward Shelly、Carole Robb 等多位著名訪問藝術家的激勵下,與時間逐賽,扮雕塑家,手指插電鑽,竄進陰深地庫的暗室,摸黑探墓地,造相機,好趁朝暮交替之間熬冷拍攝,屢敗屢試,排除萬難,終於創作了最新一系列針孔攝影作品《無視//不在》。


From 28 March to 23 April 2010, wen yau was supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and took up a residency at the renowned Ve...rmont Studio Center (VSC), USA. Located in a small town called Johnson in the state of Vermont, the VSC hosts 50 residencies each month for artists and writers from across the country and around the world. From eating and drinking to making holes on metal boxes as well as her thumb and waiting for the time passing by in the cold, wen yau went on an adventure in alienated time and space. Her newly developed work in the Seeing is Existing pinhole photographic series was highlighted by the VSC Founder. This Saturday, almost six months after her time in VSC, wen yau will try to recover her memories of light and shadow in Vermont and examine what residency means for her and local community.

即場裝置 Live Installation: 1pm-3pm
現場對談 Artist Talk: 3-6pm

魂游 wen yau


wen yau is a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, concentrating on performance/live art and time-based media in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space, and have been exhibited extensively in Asia, Europe and Americas. // www.wenyau.net

