Following the rave response of Karden's “Dream-telling” event in aco books in March, the artist will come to Woofer Ten and listen to your dreams! Tell Karden you dream, whether it is a whole story or a fragment, and she will make paper-cut and post them on the window.
花苑 Karden
花苑 未曾接受過學院的藝術訓練,離開設計工業後自學版畫,有時用版畫來回應社會的事,有時用版畫和設計來糊口,近半年起自學剪紙,自覺有審美障礙。
Karden has never received academic art training and started learning print-making after leaving the design industry. Sometimes she makes print in response to current affairs; sometimes she makes a living with prints and design. Half a years ago, she teaches herself to do paper cut. Karden finds herself having difficulties in appreciating beauty.